Last week was a whirlwind.  I had three client installs, a new client presentation and then there was that little thing called Halloween that for some reason in a household with a 10 year old and a 7 year old is very important.  Just kidding, I love it too!

From the beginning, I knew I wanted something striking on the walls.  I decided to go with a large geometric print inspired by the existing vanity.  My first call was to the amazing Kristen Davis.  If you haven’t seen her work, you should head over to her site as soon as you finish here.  Kristen is a wonderful decorative painter and after this project, I will be doing anything I can to use her work again as soon as possible!

Here is where we started.


This powder bath began as a regular space, not awful, but definitely boring.  A powder bath is generally a small space and to me it is a huge opportunity.  This is truly a space where you can take chances.


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The inspiration for the custom stencil came from the existing red vanity.



Here is the after.  Without looking back at the before picture, can you tell what items are original to the space?  The lighting, the vanity and the towel holder are original.  What a difference a fabulous wall treatment can make!  Doesn’t it look like a whole new space?



Other side of the bathroom, before.



And after.  Remember that you don’t have to spend a fortune on artwork.  I found these two images at Scotts Antique Market and had them framed.  I love how they turned out.  There is very little color in this space.  I wanted the focus to be on the red vanity, but I had to balance this side of the room with more color.  These pieces were perfect.



Another shot.  Let me tell you it is very difficult to get a good picture in a space this small.  You can imagine what it was like for Kristen and her tall ladder to be in there painting this intricate pattern!



A closeup of the horn mirror.  There are so many straight lines in this bathroom.  The round mirror was needed to soften the overall look.



Love a monogramed linen towel in a powder bath.



Last shot.  I hope you enjoyed this space.  We’ll move on to the preteen boys room next.



I couldn’t leave you without a picture of our Halloween.  My girls were the cutest scaries in the neighborhood. 😉

Have a great one!

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