A few weeks ago, I was thrilled to be interviewed by Linda Jerkins of the Atlanta Journal Constitution about our home remodel.  The story was in the paper today and to say I was honored was really an understatement.


What a wonderful way to start the holiday week.  I’m incredibly thankful for the past year, for my work and for my beautiful family.  I’ll be spending Thanksgiving with my extended family and I can’t wait.  It seems that the older I get the more I treasure these moments.  We’ll all be together, the cousins will play, the parents will reminisce and I’ll try to take in each moment with a thankful heart.

I would be remiss if I didn’t thank all of you who read this blog faithfully.  You’re continued support and enthusiasm means the world to me.

Thank you.

8 Responses

  1. I was so excited to see this – way to go Lori! And I don’t know if I’ve ever seen the exterior of your home but it’s beautiful – you did a great job and well deserving of that feature. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family – enjoy it all!

    1. Thank you Holly! It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything about the exterior, but it’s one of my favorite changes that we’ve made!

      Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    1. What a sweet thing to say, Holly! I look forward to spending more time with you over the next year!

      Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Congrats on the newspaper feature. I remember reading an inspiring post about the changes you made to your home’s exterior. Your home looks very warm and welcoming, and you are very deserving of the press that you’re getting. Happy Thanksgiving!