I thought you might enjoy seeing a few of the other designers’ spaces at UMCH.  Unfortunately the photo quality on some is not so great, I was so busy working on our space that I did not pick the best time to take some of the pics.  Enjoy!




This wonderfully colorful space is by Kandrac and Cole.  The conference table was hand painted by Joan, the same artist who drew the renderings for the Inspiration House proposal that Sherry and I presented.  She is beyond talented.


Jennifer Baggett’s space was so relaxing that I wanted to move right in.



Heather’s beautiful blue space was so cozy.  Don’t you love those chevron stripes she painted on the fridge?


Jack is a fabulous designer who also owns a wallpaper shop and made the most of it in his space.   I know many people think wallpaper is old fashioned and out of style, but the brick wall and faux bookshelves are great examples of what you can do with the new papers out there now.


I so wish I had a better picture of Olivia’s space, but the light was fading fast when I took this.  I love that she recovered the cushions on the sofa and left the faux leather of the frame as is.  A great way to update an inexpensive piece without breaking the bank.   The fabulous wood table was a Craigslist find.


Here’s the kitchen before.  Lisa and Jen had already changed out the awful florescent light for these gorgeous lanterns from Ballard Designs.


Here it is after.  How about those refrigerators?  Wasn’t that a great solution to an eye sore?



They also painted the chalkboard wall.  Jen and Lisa’s small changes in the kitchen made a big difference for these young men.


This is Annette Joseph’s space.  It was a show stopper, but I didn’t get to photograph it.  Sherry was very kind to let me use hers.  Thanks, friend!




Last, but not least, this is Sherry’s space.  As always, she put together a great space where these young men will love to hang out.

I was so honored to work with all of these amazing designers.  They’re work is a wonderful example of the difference a beautifully decorated space can make in someone’s life.


7 Responses

  1. Love that red/ white rug in the first photo. Is it squares like a Flor carpet tile or a real rug? I want.

  2. Hi Lori, Great work! The refrigerators were a clever solution! I really like the stainless counter tops in the kitchen, too. Are they a good alternative to stone? Less expensive? Thanks for sharing!



    1. I think there are pros and cons to all countertop surfaces, Holly. I have not personally used stainless steel before, so I’m not sure about the cost comparison, but it’s definitely worth looking into. Have a great weekend!