My girls went back to school today.  While I have to admit, I’m sad to give up the days without a set routine.  I’m ready to get back to it.  It has been difficult this summer working on client projects, taking care of the girls and keeping up with general house stuff.  Throw in a vacation and visits from family and general chaos ensues.  There is a certain laid back feeling to all of it and I’m going to miss it.  It’s time, though.  The girls are so excited about the new school year, their new teachers and old friends and I’m excited to get back to full time work and this blog.

The blog break was unplanned.  I had intended to blog twice a week over the summer, but client projects and family had to come first.  I have really missed you all.  I’m anxious to talk to you all again, see your favorite things on Facebook, twitter, instagram and Pinterest.  You know, just catch up.

So, let’s get started.  How was your summer?  Are you ready for the fall routine?  Thoughts of fall (or even Christmas) decorating starting to cross your mind?  Join me on Facebook (I have a new page!), twitter and instagram at LoriMayInteriors.  Let’s share our thoughts and catch up.  I look forward to hearing from you.  Be sure to leave your twitter handles, Facebook page and instagram names in the comments, so I can follow you back!


2 Responses

  1. The excitement of the beginning of a new school year will never leave me even though I’ve been retired from teaching for 3 years. Seeing happy and eager faces like those on your beautiful daughters were always the best part. Those will be two lucky teachers who have your daughters in their class and those bouquets of flowers will be a welcomed gift!

  2. Welcome back Lori! I’m so happy to have you back again and I know you enjoyed your summer with the family. Your girls are getting so big and so pretty. I’m excited to see more of your projects and posts. We’ve had such a beautiful weekend here – it’s a preview of fall. Beautiful skies, low humidity – gorgeouse. I LOVE the fall so I’ve been dreaming of it: pumpkins, sweaters, everything. I’m even excited for Christmas but not ready to go there yet. And welcome back to school to your girls – have a great rest of the weekend.