Hi all,

I know that my blog posts have slowed to a crawl, but you guys are still on my mind constantly.  Today, I thought I’d share a few photos from what I’ve been up to these last few weeks.  I’ll be off the radar for another week or so.  This week is the last week of school and I’ll be spending most of my time at my girls’ school and working on my existing and new client projects.  I have so much to share with you all, but my girls come first right now.  They are so excited about the last few days of school.  It feels like there are parties every day!  I know that many of you are doing the same thing this week, so enjoy and I’ll see you back here in a few!

Thought I’d share this with you first.  This is what my desk looks like right now.  Think I need to spend a little time here?  But instead, I’ve been…


…here, doing a lot of…

…this, for…


…this sweet girl and…

…her phenomenal soccer team.  We had the most amazing weekend ever and I can’t tell you how proud I am of these girls.  They are warriors!


They may not have ended up with the final win, but they fought hard until the end and were great sports through it all.


We spent the weekend before here in Fountain Hills, AZ.  We all went out to celebrate my fabulous mom in law’s birthday.


It was a great trip.  We took a boat ride and watched bald eagles nesting.  Charlotte thought that was pretty cool.


I’ve been incredibly blessed with several new design projects these past few weeks as well.  I’m looking forward to sharing my new projects and the final pics of some projects that have been in the works for some time now.  Here’s a sneak peek.

So, that’s what’s going on for me right now.  How about you?  Are you crazy with work, kids and life?  You’ve gotta love it!  I truly appreciate your patience.  I’ll see you back here soon!









9 Responses

  1. Oh yes, I’m in the same boat, Lori. And we’ll all still be here at the end of the day. I love seeing the photos from the soccer games. We are going down this weekend to see my nephew’s travel game. They have a tournament somewhere in South Jersey that we’ll go see – and we recently found out that my nephew made the select team. I’m SO proud of him – I’m a cheerleader just like you in that one photo. The other parents probably wonder who I am since I’m not at every game but I can certainly be heard 🙂
    Can’t wait to see more of your projects – I love that red and blue palette in the one photo. Have agreat week Lori!

  2. Busy time around our house too! I have been prepping for the Grad Party for my oldest. Nothing gets you more motivated that hosting a party for 100 of your family and friends in your backyard…lots to do! Enjoy all those lovely moments with your girls…before you know it they will be heading off to college like my son…sniff, sniff…
    Looking forward to seeing your projects when you get back to the blog. Have a great day!

  3. Lori, it looks and sounds as if your summer is starting off really well. Work is going well for you, bu more importantly you are spending quality time with your family. Keep up the good work,
    Happy Monday,

  4. I am right there with Laura, graduation is Thursday night, party a week from Saturday! And, the sod for the backyard was supposed to already be here and soaking up the sunshine and rain, but no go! UGH!! Enjoy your girls. As a mom getting ready to watch her baby walk down the high school graduation aisle of life, I can tell you it definitely goes by quickly!

  5. Good for you! So many people lose site of what’s really important and it’s good to see that mom comes first for you. I can relate to your desk, as mine looks about the same right now. Good thing I can walk away from it whenever I choose to watch my son’s football game or take a walk with my hubby and dog. Life is good!

  6. Lori, you’ve been up to a lot! Hope you’ve had a great spring with your family — it sure looks like it. I have to tell you too how much I admire the fabrics you chose for the pillows. Super pretty!