What a weekend!  It was busy as always, but I unplugged a bit and just had fun with my girls. It was soooo worth it.  I’m back to it today, but here are a few highlights from my weekend.  (And, yes, I did work on the cabinet, but I didn’t get it finished.)  Today’s another day, right?



How proud is she?  Charlotte graduated from her white belt to a white belt senior.  It’s so great to see her do something that was just for her and not just because her big sis was doing it.


Of course, there were lots of Valentine’s made over the past couple of days.  Kate woke up feeling under the weather on Sunday, so she’ll be home with me tomorrow.  (I’m secretly glad. I love spending unexpected time with her.)


Now, I did manage to get started on my chalk paint project as well this weekend.  I was hoping to finish it, but it has required more coats of paint than I expected and you can’t rush these things, as much as I’d like to.

Here’s where I started.  Yes, I am painting in my family room.  Winter has decided to visit Atlanta this weekend and even though it’s supposed to be short lived, it’s freezing and I hate being cold.  Even in the garage!


Here it is after the first coat. Remember, my DIY skills are pretty limited and this this is the first time I’ve used Annie Sloan’s chalk paint. Let’s say I was a bit concerned after the first coat.  See all those nasty streaks?  Everyone said to be patience and not worry, so I added another coat hoping it would be the last…


But, no luck. Better, but not enough coverage with two coats.  So, I’m on to coat number three now and hoping that will be the last.  I am hoping to show you the finished product on Wednesday.

I hope you all had a great weekend as well.  I don’t tell you this enough, but thank you all so much for reading.  I loved the birthday wishes last week!



9 Responses

  1. Kate’s Valentine’s jar is adorable, what a fun idea. And I think karate is an excellent activity for any child and a great way to teach confidence too. Your cabinet is looking good and good for you for getting it started. Hope you don’t get too much cold down there – we had a cold weekend too but I think it’s supposed to go back up to the 40s and 50s this week thank goodness.

  2. oh no! 3 coats? not fun. I wonder if its because your painting over such a dark piece? Well hopefully that 3rd coat will do the trick. And we too have had winter finally come to Texas-I was so cold yesterday I took a hot bath at 2 o’clock in the afternoon just to warm up!

  3. 3 coats!!! I have had to do 2 before…..probably what Amanda said…painting over such a dark color. Sorry I missed you guys at Scott’s…..I went on Thurs for a couple of hours and on Friday morning but only to the south building.

  4. It’s progress! I’m feeling optimistic that you’ll be thrilled when you are done! And I just cannot get over your cutie patooties. They are too precious for words. Darn shame that Henry and Charlie are too young for them! 😉

  5. You’re a good diy-er if you’re patiently waiting for the paint to dry instead of rushing it! Can’t wait to see that gorgeous hardware on the light piece! I’m selfishly never disappointed when by son stays home sick and we get to hang-out! 🙂

  6. I agree, must be the dark color that calls for additional layers. I have never used chalk paint before, so what do I know? Looking good so far!

    Happy Valentine’s Day!