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Hi all, are you ready for some shopping?  This week it’s all about Scott’s.  There were so many great things this month (who am I kidding, it’s always great).  Let’s take a look.

After traveling overseas for more than 10 years, I have a real love for Asian inspired pieces.  Some of these were antiques and some were reproductions, but either way, they were beautiful.

Love the colors.

More fabulous colors.  These could be used for so many things in your home.

These are antique print blocks.  They were used to make the prints on fabrics.  I love this photo.  I didn’t use my fancy camera either, just my iPhone.  Always  remember that you can take photos that you love and frame them.  It’s a wonderful way to create inexpensive artwork in your home.

Speaking of artwork, there’s no way my iPhone could do this piece any justice.  Andrea Costa is the artist.  It felt like you could just walk right into it.

This gorgeous table was in the same booth.  You can see more of Andrea’s work in the background.


These shagreen lovelies were out of my price range, but oh so gorgeous!  I’d love to have the pair in my living room.

Closeup of the top.


I picked up two of these ottomans for a client.  They will be used at a game table in her family room.  That pillow was awesome as well!


It wasn’t all about shopping, though.  I met fellow blogger Kenya of Greenhouse Redesign.  It always amazes me how many people I’ve met since I started blogging.  Be sure to check out Greenhouse Redesign here.

And finally, I stopped by Anthropologie this and I had to show you these items they were using for display.  Can you tell what they are?

Plastic spoons and straws!  What will they think of next?!

I hope you enjoyed the tour!  What did you find this week?  Send me a pic and I might add it to next week’s post!

Have a great weekend!


10 Responses

  1. Love me some Scott’s goodies…If I ever make it down there I want you to be my Scott’s tour guide! And so fun that you got to meet up with another blogger. I’ll have to check out Kenya’s blog. I love the ottoman and pillow and the artwork too by Andrea. Have a great weekend Lori – if I come across anything great I’ll send you a photo.

  2. I always think, “Who are the creative (crazy) people that come up with the stuff at Anthropologie?”. Can’t wait to see the final results from your client’s place, Lori! Such a pleasure meeting you!!! So awesome!!!