It’s hard to believe that this time last week, I was sitting on a beach in the Caribbean in 85 degree weather.  It has turned cold here in Atlanta and I’m a bit shell shocked.  I apologize for the sporadic posting lately.  I’m feeling pretty overwhelmed with work and family responsibilities this week.  As most of you know, Eric has been home with me for the past few months and last week he went back to work.  It’s a wonderful thing and we are soooo thankful, but I don’t have that second pair of hands anymore to help out and I’m feeling it.  So, I’ll ask your patience while I figure out my new schedule and get back to “normal”, whatever that means…

This is a picture of our entire cruising group!  It was a blast and I look forward to doing it again.  I highly recommend it to all of you lovely readers.

I know, kind of a cheesy photo, but that’s what the photographer asked us to do!  Have a great one, thank you again for reading and your amazing support. See you next week!



6 Responses

  1. You ladies look great – ready for a fun night! I bet it’s a lot of shell shock – enjoy your weekend and hopefully you’ll squeeze a little R&R in there too.

  2. Aw, looks like ya’ll had such a great time! Your other trip photos are amazing… makes me start dreaming… : ) It’s always hard to get back to “real life” especially after a trip like that! But at least you have the holidays to look forward to!!!