Happy Halloween everyone!  I’m not sure about you, but there are two little girls at my house who are so excited about today that they can hardly stand it!  And to top it off, they get to wear their costumes to school.  My youngest said it best, “BEST DAY EVER!!!”.  Pictures of costumes to come, but today it’s all about pumpkins.

Pumpkin Patch

Sunday after church, we headed to our local pumpkin patch to pick out the best ones for carving.

the plan


silly faces

Time for carving!


still working


cleaning up

Charlotte called this the pumpkin guts…


the result



I have to say, I was pretty impressed with our stencils.  Kate’s pumpkin (the one on the top) needs larger candle to show up better, but Charlotte’s really looked amazing!  Love to see your jack-o-lanterns.  Attach your pics in the comments!

I promised a few outdoor decor photos once our mums bloomed, so here goes.


Remember these? Can you pick out any differences from my first post? Well, let me explain. In my original post, I planted these mums in real pumpkins. They were beautiful at first, but after a while, I started noticing the pumpkins were leaning further an further to one side. They were actually rotting. Let me tell you that there is nothing more disgusting than rotting pumpkins. I so wish I had taken photos of me and the girls cleaning up the nastiness. Bad blogger, I know, but I just wanted them gone! So, now they have been replaced with the faux variety. Much, much better. As I told my girls, this was a great example of do as I say, not as I do. I'll give that advice to you as well, dear readers. Do not plant anything in real pumpkins that you want to keep for any length of time! new addition

Here’s the newest addition to my fall decor.  This was a super easy project and I love how it turned out.



There you have it.  I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Halloween.  We have a party each year and this year it’s our turn to host.  I’m off to finish a few things and try not to eat all the candy before tonight!

See you soon!


7 Responses

  1. Your girls are so beautiful!! It looks like they had a great time carving and their pumpkins look really great. It’s so much fun that you have a party each year – can’t wait to see some pictures. It is COLD here – it got cold quickly. Well I’m sure today will be fun in your household – enjoy!

  2. Your pumpkins look great! That’s so nice that your whole family got involved! I bet your girls are excited to celebrate! Hope you have a safe and happy Halloween!