I told you guys a few days ago that my helpers and I have been working on our fall display here at the May casa.  Today I finished up the last of it and I can’t wait to show it to you all.  So, let’s get to it!  Here’s what I was dealing with.  It was a pretty sad state of affairs after the super hot Atlanta summer we had.  Here’s the sad before.

my sad before


The porch and pots definitely needed some pizazz.  Soooo,




I went for a really simple look this year.  I’d love to say it was because that’s the way that I actually wanted it, but honestly it’s because of this sweet girl.




Oh, she looks harmless enough here, but this girl loves herself a pumpkin.  While we’re gone and she’s alone, she pretty much annihilates anything pumpkin related.



These poor pumpkins had beautiful perfect stems when I left the house the other day and this is what I came back too.  It had to be simple or nothing.  So, I enlisted the help of these two to help with the planting.



And Eric to handle the sharp stuff.I was on to the wreaths for the doors. Remember this post on Monday? I decided to take my inspiration from the last wreath. Here are my supplies.



I used my wire cutters and snipped all of the pieces that I wanted to use and attached them to the wreath form with floral wire.



 Once I tied the bow, I was ready to hang them on the door.  I had this gold satin ribbon on hand and it worked perfectly for a very simple bow.  
I thought I’d use thumb tacks to attach the ribbon, but they were no where to be found. (I think it might have something to do with those two little helpers who are constantly taken my tape, scissors and pens.) Plan B was the staple gun and it worked like a charm.




Here’s the final result one more time.  I still have more pumpkins to add, you know the carved kind.  But, you know my issue with the pumpkins, so they will be added a bit closer to Halloween.  I’ll also post another pic once the mums have bloomed.  Hope you enjoyed it!


I’m linking up to Thrifty Decor Chick  and Tip Junkie today.  Head over and check out all of the other great fall ideas!






20 Responses

  1. I love the wreaths Lori – they look really great! Jus the perfect color and shape for those beautiful front doors of yours. Great job.

  2. I have a dog named Lucy, too, who would destroy anything within her reach! But Lucy did you a favor by destroying your stems and giving you the idea to use the pumpkins as planters. Those wreaths are gorgeous on your doors! And those helpers are as cute as can be!

  3. I want your porch and those steps, it all looks beautiful! Your little helpers and Lucy are too cute! I think I may have to put one of your wreaths on my to-do list!

  4. I am hosting a link party for Outdoor Decor too & would love to have you come over to link up! I love this idea of setting the plants inside the pumpkin….i’m going to go share your post on fb! xoxo, tracie

  5. Just wanted to share. You can buy very inexpensive plastic pumpkin cutting tools. Available at grocery stores, Walmart, Target, etc. I think they were Pumpkin Masters. Some come separately and some sold with pattern books. My 3 girls started using them when the youngest was 4, now in MBA program. Perfectly safe and I was amazed at the jack-o-lanterns that they did. Even the intricate patterns were within reach. Even the little ones can do the cutting, with help if it’s thick and tough. I still have my tools and patterns, we added some every year. They still use them, much easier than kitchen knives.

  6. Your dog is adorable and I don’t believe she hurt a flea 😉 Cute family and your decorations are perfect Lori.