Okay, if you’re getting tired of my NC blogger weekend a few weeks back, rest easy, this is the last post. There was just so much to tell you, so hear goes! Our last day was spent in Asheville and our first stop was Screen Door. Guys, let me tell you if you are in Asheville, and have 5 minutes to stop somewhere, this should be the place. It was fabulous!

Love this chair and the beautiful console in the behind it. Wish I had a better pic, but we were moving fast to see all the goodies!

These baskets were huge! Wouldn’t they be great over a mantle (similar to what Angela did here in the cottage) or hanging in an outdoor room?

This booth had so many pretty things, but the chairs and marble topped table were my favorites.

Check out this USA corkboard. We stood here a long time trying to figure out exactly how it was made. Angela was eyeing it for her home school classroom. I think it would be a great piece for just about anywhere.

There were several of these little guys hanging out.

This chair was my absolute favorite find of the day. Vintage 1950’s, perfect condition and only $300! Unfortunately, it would have been a little difficult to strap it to the top of Angela’s car (but don’t think we didn’t discuss it!).

This is what we did make it out with. I’ll show you what I did with that original piece of artwork that I scored for $45 soon.

Then, we are off to the Tobacco Barn, which up until a few years back was used for storing tobacco, but the antique side of the business that they had during the off season became so big that now they have it full time. This place is huge! This is a painting that Shannon and Angela have been eyeing for some time. Think they like it?

I saw a few of these bookcases and I would really like to have one. Did you see Emily Henderson use hers in a guest bedroom redo not long ago?

After the Tobacco Barn, the car was getting pretty full! See those cool side tables? Heidi bought those for her basement.

While the car was just about full, we had to make one more stop. I can’t remember the name of this place, so if any of my blogger friends remember, please let me know and I’ll credit back asap. I loved this sketch to go with my piece that I got at Screen Door, but unfortunately it was a bit pricey.

Not sure what I would do with these, but I can see them over a bed or mixed into a large gallery wall.

And last, but not least, we rounded the corner and spied this fabulous mid century booth. I wanted it all! Those bookshelves in the back, that sofa, which was super comfy by the way. I’m definitely on a mid century kick these days. I will be adding a few pieces to my home when I get a chance. I love the look of these timeless pieces mixed with my traditional decor.

Closeup of the chair. Great addition to an office or family room.
Well, that’s it friends. Our weekend in NC was amazing, relaxing and inspiring in so many ways. You can read more about it here and here. If you get a chance to visit, I promise it will be worth it! What have you found lately? Love to hear.
I think these types of posts are one of my favorites. I love to see what people find in their travels and these are really great spots! I love the mid-century stuff too. I’m kicking myself that I didn’t pick up a bar cart that I had seen a few weeks ago in a consignment shop because now it’s gonge.
Great finds Lori, I can see it was a fun and successful trip!! yay!
Art by Karena
I hope you will join my amazing Giveaway from Interieurs!
I love the names of some of these stores-Screen Door and Tobacco Barn! I’ll definitely be on the lookout for these stores when we make a trip up to the mountains this fall.
I haven’t been to Asheville in a while, but I can hardly wait to check these out the next time I’m there…great finds!!
Hey Lori! Finally getting caught up on my blog reading now that vacation is over 🙁 The last place we visited was Oddfellows. I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ve done with your artwork! Did Heidi redo her bench?!? I want to see pics!!