Me, Angela from The Painted House, Shannon from Shannon Berrey Design, Heidi, Rhoda from Southern Hospitality and Renae from Renae Moore Designs

I’ve spent the day reviewing the mind boggling amount of photos that I took this past weekend in NC.  Of course, I had to start with this one.  These are the amazing women who I was lucky enough to spend a few days with.  Don’t they all take a great photo?  Except me, of course, do you ever like a photo of yourself?  Oh well, maybe next time…

Anyway, I’ve been trying to figure out how best to show you our weekend.  I have so many photos that I decided it was best to break it up into parts.  The natural place to start seemed to be the beautiful cottage where we stayed.  Believe me, I could spend many a day and night in that place.  Angela, our amazing host, took the cottage from a dark dingy place into the light and airy retreat that it is now.  She’s done such a wonderful job, that the cottage is actually being featured in Cottages and Bungalows this month.  Enjoy!

The view as you pull up

When we pulled up, there were at least 6 turkeys in the back yard.  I tried to get a photo, but they were too quick!


family room

As you walk in the front door, this is your beautiful view.


another look at the family room/dining room


dining area


a view back at the front door


the beautiful kitchen


screened porch


master bedroom

Unfortunately, my photos of a couple of the rooms were too dark, so I took these from


master bath


2nd bedroom downstairs


Bunk room

This was my bedroom.  So cozy!


2nd bath

Don’t you love that tile?


downstairs family room

This is where we hung out and watched the premiere of the Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond‘s new show on the Food Network.  Did you watch?


the view

And finally, the view…Is there anything better than this?


cottage chat

Well, maybe just this.  New friends and old (no jokes here Renae and Rhoda, you know what I mean!) chatting it up.


I hope you enjoyed my tour of Angela’s beautiful cottage.  Did you know that she loves to have guests?  If you need a relaxing getaway, head over here and make a reservation quick.  With all of it’s famous guests, I have a feeling it’s going to be booked up for a while.

Have a great day!




15 Responses

  1. Silly you, you look gorgeous in that photo!

    Thank you for such a great post on ye olde cottage! I hope we all get to do something like that again…but without waiting a year! Who needs a showhouse? I think we all could have shopped (and ate, ha!) all weekend.

    So glad you and Heidi came!

  2. aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! jealous. like the good kind of jealous, not the ugly kind. but so jealous!!!
    I had myself pulled together until I saw y’all sipping drinks together.

  3. That is a great picture of you Lori and I happen to think you are very photogenic! How lucky you are to meet all of these ladies. And they are lucky to meet you as well. That cottage looks amazing,

  4. WOWZADOODLE! What an awesome gal pal getaway! Y’all look awesome and that
    While I drooled over the view, could someone ship me the dining room chairs asap?
    Kerry at

  5. Hi Lori, looks like a great time! Love the pics of the home ~ we rent a lot off of VRBO so I’ll have to check out if ever in that area! So happy I found you through Darlene 🙂

  6. How fun! I bet you ladies had an absolute blast – and great picture of all of you! It’s so much fun to meet up with other bloggers.