View from the cottage
Hi all!  Here’s a sneak peak from our amazing blogger/girls’ weekend.  I had an amazing trip to the NC mountains this past weekend and I can’t wait to tell you all about it.  Today has to be spent on other things like unpacking, school work and client meetings.   But tomorrow…I promise you the scoop on all the shopping, chatting and chocolate cake!!
Happy Monday!








7 Responses

  1. OK, so I was going to think you are Superwoman if you already had a full post up about the cottage!! One pic, I see. I’m going to try to get the cottage post up by Wed. It was such a fun time, so glad I got to know you & Heidi better. Such a fun girl’s trip. xoxo

  2. Whoops. Stumbled in on the girls weekend. If yall got any snacks yall wanna share, Ill take those and head to the boat to go fishin’…

    Cant wait to see more. LOL

    Rashon aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  3. Beautiful! What part? I’m partial to the NC mountains – Boone is where I was born and we go often to visit family. Headed that way Labor Day weekend as a matter of fact. Glad you had a nice time Lori.

  4. Lori,

    What a fun time this weekend was! Outstanding decor to adore and good girlie time. I am looking forward to the next time!

