I know people say this all the time, but time really does fly by, doesn’t it?  Don’t you remember when you were a kid and it seemed like it took forever for Christmas to come and now you blink twice and it’s back again?!

Well, I’m really feeling it today.  I’m going to step away from the design topics today, because it’s a big day around our house.  My youngest left for kindergarten this morning.  Now, there are good things about this.  Both my girls are now in school all day, which gives me a lot more time to do what I’ve always wanted to do.  Take on more design projects, tackle some of my own DIY projects and do more blogging.

But, on the other hand, it is so bittersweet.  Where did the time go?  I mean seriously, can she possibly be old enough to go to school, all day?  This is the little girl I see…

Just a sweet baby.

But this is reality.  Still so young, but so ready to go.  But, I know that this is her first of many steps away from me.

She asked me last night if she could get up in the morning and watch her shows and drink her chocolate milk before school.  I said no, you’ll have to get up right away and get ready for the bus.  She started to cry.  It’s so hard that she’s beginning to realize how much her world is about to change.  I try to be strong and tell her how much fun she’s going to have all the while knowing that it is a big change and that I will miss her laugh and her hugs during the day.

I know that this is the way life goes, but it wasn’t quite this hard when my oldest went to kindergarten (or was it and I just blocked it all out?).  I had a 2 year old at home that still needed me 24/7.   But look at them now.

They are both so excited to go to school and I am too, but it’s a big change and I think it’s a little hard for all of us.  Today will be a tough day for me, but I’ll make it through.  This is what it’s all about, right?  Time will just fly on to the next big change, just a blink away…


11 Responses

  1. The girls are absolutely beautiful. You are so right, time really does fly by. My baby starts his sophomore year of college on Friday. I wish you great things in all your new endeavors.

  2. Such sweet little girls. Time does pass so quick. My youngest will be a senior in high school this year and my middle starting college. It seems like just yesterday they were starting school.

    Love your boxer too.

  3. What beautiful grandchildren I have! So glad everything went well this morning. Can’t wait to hear about the first day of school.

  4. Look at your gorgeous girls! I’m sure you are so proud of them both. You’ve made me realize how close kindergarten is for my two. I’ll relish the time I have with them now. Hope you made it through your day and that your little one came home giddy with excitement about kindergarten!

  5. Wow, this post made me cry! It’s such a bittersweet thing watching your babies grow up isn’t it?! Your girls are beautiful and I wish them a wonderful year at school.

  6. Oh Lori. I feel for you. Watching them grow is bittersweet and every year when school starts I cry. It is true, time flies. It really, really does.

  7. Lori, they are so beautiful! My twin boys must be about the same age as your youngest. They could have started kinder this year, but instead we are doing a TK year. They need it … and Mommy is very grateful for it. I’ll be so proud of them to start school … but I think my heart will hurt a bit, too!!