So happy to have Tiffany here today!  Hope you enjoy her post and her wonderful citrus salad recipe.  I made it last week and it was delicious!


Hi friends! My name is Tiffany and I am author of Savor Home, a blog that is all about food, fashion, design and whatever else I feel like talking about at the moment. I am incredibly honored to be here filling in for Lori today!

Well I don’t know what it’s like where you are, but here in the south it is scorching!! I think summer has officially arrived! Hot weather makes me obsess over certain things more than I would any other season of the year…

First up- white rooms. I have always loved white spaces, but I have a special love for them during the summer. They just have that fresh and crisp look is so welcome on a hot day.

There is nothing like a good summer salad. This is my Citrus Salad, a salad that I make at least once a week during the summer. It has fresh oranges, blueberries, and strawberries- things that are perfectly refreshing during the summer. Click here for my recipe and let me know if you try it out!

I’m loving me some hats right now! That’s me obsessing over my floppy J.Crew hat! 


I’d like to step out of either of those white rooms above and retreat to this relaxing outdoor space. To me, the next best thing to a beach is a beautifully decorated and comfortable outdoor space. All I need is a good book, my salad, my floppy hat and a chilled glass of wine. I’d be a happy girl!

And speaking of the beach, I hope Lori is having the best time there with her family! I’m completely jealous!!


Thanks Tiffany! It was great having you.  Please be sure and head over to Savor Home today.







13 Responses

  1. Tiffany…you look so cute in your hat 🙂 And…when my kitchen gets put back together, I will have to try that yummy salad!

  2. Hi, Tiffany! What a fun & relaxing post, that salad looks fantastic. I love light during these hot summer months.

    Lori, hope you are having a blast in Hilton Head. We all must get together again soon!

  3. Tiffany, you are adorable in your floppy hat. I love the rooms you chose to feature, most especially the kitchen!

    And that salad–yum!

    I enjoyed this post.

  4. White rooms, floppy hats, fresh salads? Tiffany you’re a girl after my own heart!!! That picture of you is sooo stinking CUTE!!!!

    Lori, I hope you and your family are having a great time away!

  5. love the rooms you chose to feature. love Tiffany and her hat. I hope you and your family are having a relaxing vacation!